About Me

Man in black banded collar shirt and brown har stand posing outdoors

Strategist. Product Leader. Board Member. Former Rugger.

To me, magic is all around. It’s the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you experience a moment of pure, unadulterated elation. Magic is in focusing on something so hard that it seems to manifest itself. Moments within a group setting where people of diverse expertise and lived experience all working towards a common destination while starting from very different places, and they each arrive— that’s magic. Magic within my professional life involves turning whiteboards filled with sprawling trees of ideas and phrases into physical and digital products. I’ve walked door to door in favor of policies and people, challenged the status quo and pushed the envelope while leading product development, interned on Capitol Hill, and traveled to places like Mexico, Italy, and Sweden all in service of one magical goal: build a more accessible and inclusive society. 

I am part magician, and part architect, and I help people bring their ideas to life. 

What magical idea are you contemplating moving forward? I’d love to hear about it.